Minnesota Joint Powers Board (MN JPB)
Minnesota Joint Powers Board (MN JPB)
The MN JPB is a group of representatives from 18 Red River Basin MN County Commissions that meets quarterly to discuss water and other county issues in the Basin. Gary Kiesow (Marshall County) and Stephanie Miranowski (Wilkin County) are the representatives on the RRBC Board with Steve Jacobson (Norman County) and Kevin Campbell (Clay County) as their alternates. The meetings are facilitated by the RRBC.
North/South Chapter
North Chapter: (RRBC Connector: Board Delegate Laurie Hunt & Randy Woroniuk who are members of RRBC-NC). The RRBC North Chapter brings together the RM’s on the northern, western and eastern area around the city of Winnipeg. They meet approximately 5 times a year for presentations and discussions and RRBC facilitates. They hold an annual fish dinner fundraiser, a mini summit event on water education and have developed operating procedures consistent with the RRBC Governing Documents.
South Chapter: (RRBC Connector: Board Delegate Hank Enns & Gavin van der Linde).The RRBC-SC brings together RM’s on the south side of Winnipeg within the Red River Basin for presentations and a forum for discussions. They meet quarterly and RRBC facilitates.
Roseau River International Watershed (RRIW)
The RRIW covers the Roseau Watershed District and Roseau County in MN and the RM’s of Piney, Stuartburn, Franklin and Montcalm and the Roseau River First Nation in MB who are all part of the Roseau River Sub-Watershed. They meet regularly and RRBC facilitates. They have developed a Roseau River International Water Plan.
Basin Partners
Red River Watershed Management Board (RRWMB)
MN Watersheds: Joe River, Roseau River, Two Rivers, Middle Snake Tamarac, Red Lake, Sand Hill River, Wild Rice River, Bois de Sioux
Buffalo Red River Watershed District
Red River Joint Water Resource District (RRJWRD)
ND Water Resource Districts:
Barnes County, Grand Forks County, Maple River, Nelson County, North Cass, Pembina County, Ransom County, Richland County, Rush River, Sargent County, Southeast Cass, Steele County, Traill County, Walsh County
Pembina River Basin Advisory Board (PRBAB)
(RRBC Connector: Board Delegate Hetty Walker who is Chair of PRBAB). The PRBAB membership consists of local leaders from Manitoba and North Dakota who meet to work together on land and water issues affecting the Pembina River Basin. The PRBAB has developed a watershed plan consistent with the RRBC NRFP
South Valley Initiative (SVI)
The SVI meets periodically, bringing together Local Government Units from SD, MN, and ND to discuss issues and provide updates on activities in the southern Red River Basin, and to explore avenues for cooperation on key issues.